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Intermediate Listening Lesson #29
Paso 1:
Escuche el diálogo
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Paso 2:
Prueba - Ver Preguntas
1. Why does Sarah look so terrible?
Her dog died
Her fish died
Her grandmother passed away
Her grandfather passed away
2. What was the cause of death?
Car accident
Attacked by another dog
Cat ate the fish
3. What recommendation did the friend give Sarah?
To forget about everything
To visit the cemetery often
To look at old photos
To buy another pet
4. Where are they going now?
To the cemetery
To the pet store
To eat something
To the hospital
Ver Respuestas
1. Her grandmother passed away
2. Natural
3. To visit the cemetery often
4. To eat something
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Paso 3:
Mostrar Diálogo de conversación
A: "Sarah. You look terrible. What's wrong?"
B: "My grandmother just passed away."
A: "I'm so sorry to hear that. When did this happen?"
B: "A couple of days ago. I just go back from the funeral."
A: "Is there anything I can do?"
B: "No... not really. The sad thing is that I wasn't there when she died. I really wanted to be there one last time."
A: "I'm sure she knew you loved her. Did she pass away in the hospital?"
B: "Yeah. She died in her sleep."
A: "I'm sorry she's gone."
B: "At least she didn't suffer."
A: "I think your grandmother would want you to think of all the good times you spent together."
B: "I know. But I miss her."
A: "When my grandmother passed away, I frequently visited her in the cemetery. I always talked to her. Even though she wasn't there, I somehow knew she heard what I said."
B: "Yeah? That's what I was thinking too. Thanks."
A: "It looks like you haven't eaten anything all day. We should get you something to eat."
B: "You're right... I should eat something. Let's go."
Debe leer el Diálogo de conversación para ayudarle a estudiar después de repasar la lección de escuchar. No vea el Diálogo de conversación antes de escuchar el audio, o antes de responder a todas las preguntas.
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